Report an absence

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Absence due to illness etc. can be reported with immediate impact on current lessons in the system. Some functions may be depending on specific school settings.

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Since some functions vary for different user roles certain users with more than one role have two options: Privat (guardian role) and Skolpersonal (school staff). The text below describes absence reporting from a parent’s point of view (the tab Privat for a user with more functions in the system).

Privat (Guardian/student)

Report an absence

Parents can report their child absent straight in the system. This may also apply for adult students (18 years or older) according to school specific settings. If you have more than one child in the same school or commune you will need to choose which child you want to report absent, if you have only one child he or she will already be selected.

Press Ny frånvaroanmälan to report an absence. The current date is always preselected but can be changed for a future date either manually in the date field or through the calendar icon in the date fields. There is a limit which is set by the school in how many days in advance and for how many consecutive days a parent can report absence. If you need to report an absence which exceeds the time limit, contact the school. For registering absence for part of a day, check Del av dag and type start and end times in the fields that appear. If more than one reasons for absence have been made selectable you need to select a reason, otherwise it will be automatically selected.

Confirm the absence by pressing Anmäl frånvaro. Press Avbryt if you want to leave the form without saving the absence.

End an absence

An ongoing absence can be ended if for instance a pupil registered ill for several days gets well sooner than expected. The absence will stay on previous lessons but will be removed from lessons from the ending moment onwards.

A parent/student can only end absences registered by themselves through the web or the app. An absence registered through our telephone service can only be edited by the school staff. If you have several children in the system you need to select it from the list, if there is only one he or she will automatically be selected. Registered absences will be displayed in a list grouped under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks). Open the current absence that you would like to end by clicking on it. Press Avsluta (End) and confirm your choice in the form that will open, or press Avbryt to cancel the command. 

Edit an absence

A registered absence can be edited. All data can be edited on a future absence, on an ongoing absence only the end date can be edited, all other fields are locked. A passed absence can not be edited.

A parent/student can only edit absences registered by themselves through the web or the app. An absence registered through our telephone service can only be edited by the school staff. If you have several children in the system you need to select it from the list, if there is only one he or she will automatically be selected. Registered absences will be displayed in a list grouped under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks). Open the current absence that you would like to edit by clicking on it. Make the desired changes and press Press Spara (Save), or press Avbryt to cancel the command. The form will close and the edited absence will be displayed in the list.

Delete an absence

Only future absences can be deleted. A parent/student can only delete absences registered by themselves. If you have several children in the system you need to select it from the list, if there is only one he or she will automatically be selected. Registered absences will be displayed in a list grouped under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks). Open the absence that you would like to delete by clicking on it. Press Ta bort (Delete) and confirm your choice in the form that will open, or press Avbryt to cancel the command.

Skolpersonal (School staff)

Report an absence

Teachers can register announced absences for their mentor students and for other students that they teach. The user roles Kanslist and Skoladministratör have access to all students. First select a class or a group, then the student to report absent. With the student list open find the right student by writing the first letter/letters of the student’s first name or surname. Choose Ny frånvaroanmälan (New absence). Today’s date is default but can be changed to another future date by writing the date directly in the field or by clicking on the calendar icon and switching dates there. If the absence only concerns part of the day start- and end hours can be edited in the fields that will appear next to the date fields when ticking the box Del av dag (Part of day). A reason for the absence needs to be selected before you can save the absence. Confirm the absence by clicking on Anmäl frånvaroPress Avbryt(Cancel) if you want to close the form without saving the absence.

End an ongoing absence

An ongoing absence can be ended e.g. for a student who has been reported ill for several days but gets well earlier than expected. The absence will remain on earlier lessons but will be removed from lessons from the moment that the absence was ended.

Select a class or a group, then the student that you want to end the absence for. With the student list open find the right student by writing the first letter/letters of the student’s first name or surname. Existing absence registrations will be displayed for the selected students under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks)Open the ongoing absence that you want to end by clicking on it and then press Avsluta. Confirm and save with Bekräfta. Or press Avsluta pågående frånvaro straight under the student’s name and confirm and save with Bekräfta. If you want to close the form without saving, press Avbryt (Cancel). 

Edit an absence

A registered absence can be edited. All data can be edited on a future absence, on an ongoing absence only the end date and end hour can be edited, all other fields are locked. A passed absence can not be edited. If a student has been incorrectly registered as absent on an earlier date the absence can be edited or deleted in Ändra frånvaro för elev.

Select a class or a group, then the student that you want to edit an absence for. With the student list open find the right student by writing the first letter/letters of the student’s first name or surname. Existing absence registrations will be displayed for the selected students under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks).Open the absence that you want to edit by clicking on it. Make necessary changes and press Spara (Save) or choose Avbryt (Cancel) if you want to leave the form without saving. The form will close and the absence will be displayed with the saved changes.

Delete an absence

Only future absences can be deleted. Select a class or a group, then the student that you want to delete an absence for. With the student list open find the right student by writing the first letter/letters of the student’s first name or surname. Existing absence registrations will be displayed for the selected students under the headings Aktuell vecka (Current week), Kommande veckor (Future weeks) and Föregående veckor (Passed weeks). Open the absence that you want to delete by clicking on it. Press Ta bort (Delete) and then Spara (Save) or choose Avbryt (Cancel) if you want to leave the form without saving.

Uppdaterad 23 maj 2024

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